RIP Beardtard, we knew you well He's gone on to a better place. Record your memories of beardtard and post them as a video response. Twitter: Main Channel: From: sethvlogs. Views: 10. 1 ratings
Üyelerimiz görüşlerini önceden onay olmadan anında yazabilmektedir, bu yazılardan dolayı doğabilecek sorumluluklar yazan kullanıcılara aittir, BuSitede.neT yoneticileri itina ile icerik kontrolleri yapmaktadir, yine de BuSitede.
beardtard Beardtard
Goodbye Beardtard A tribute to the beard all youtubers know and love :) **Legal stuff** NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED.
In some of his latest videos that were posted late last year, he showed himself shaving off his beard, and this got thousands of views, just Beardtard shaving off his beard, who would have thought. If this a hoax, and Beardtard has not
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