McCain is reported with otherew attack ad on Obama, the Los Angeles Times this morning, with aew spot, entitled "Family", that "even the mockery is" the biggest celebrity in the world are ready to help your family '"The ad" doesot feature celebrities such as Hilton and Britney Spears, "but it" makes the same political views that Obama will appear before a joyous crowd, isot a leader but a publicity phenomenon. "The AP said the ad also "opens up another line of attack - would lose the land jobs if the Democrat's economic policy has been adopted." On the CBS Eveningews, "said analyst Jeff Greenfield," Celebrities areot only richer, more privileged life to lead them . They think they are better than we are. Many celebrities are prominent liberals, and We think this is just the int

Greenfield, the right to the brand. but We would say both the hell out of our way There is so much Gov't intrusion in our life We canot flush the toilet w / out their consent

'Is the biggest celebrity in the world are ready to help your family